Borderlands Wiki

Racist Hot Dog is a persona adopted by CL4P-TP units, encountered in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel and the Claptastic Voyage DLC. The Racist Hot Dog is openly racist towards Truxicans.


Racist Hot Dog is first encountered in the Pre-Sequel storyline quest Home Sweet Home, when a CL4P-TP attempts to open the door to Jack's Office. The Racist Hot Dog persona is used after Birthday Cat failed to open the door.

Later in the Claptastic Voyage DLC, Racist Hot Dog makes another appearance in Claptrap's own mind (along with Birthday Cat) in the missions h4x0rz and l33t h4x0rz, offering the Vault Hunters a repeatable arena mission.



  • Both Racist Hot Dog and Birthday Cat appear to be personae available to all CL4P-TP units, since they are found in both the random CL4P-TP unit during Home Sweet Home, and Claptrap himself during the Claptastic Voyage DLC. This implies that CL4P-TP units in general might use personae like this in order to open doors. (See also: Claptrap's Consciousness' successful opening of the door to Security by pretending to be "Tiffany," in the Claptastic Voyage mission File Search.) The personae apparently do have some autonomy, though.