Borderlands Wiki

Metal Storm is a Tier Two talent in Roland's Infantry tree.  With this skill killing an enemy adds fire rate to the character's guns and reduces recoil for 7 seconds. Note that contrary to the skill description, the fire rate increase is actually of +11% per level.


Killing an enemy increases Fire Rate and reduces Recoil for a few seconds.

+(11...55)% Weapon Fire Rate
+(15...75)% Recoil Reduction

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Fire Rate +11% +22% +33% +44% +55% +66% +77% +88% +99%
Recoil +15% +30% +45% +60% +75% +90% +105% +120% +135%

Ranks beyond 5 may be acquired through the use of class mods.


This skill's name is a shout-out to the Metal Storm Limited company, which specializes in "electronically initiated superposed load weapons technology," a technology used to manufacture some of the fastest firing weapons in the world.

Roland skills
Scorpio Turret
Infantry Support Medic

Assault • Guided Missile • Impact • Metal Storm • Refire • Scattershot • Sentry

Aid Station • Cauterize • Fitness • Grit • Overload • Revive • Stat
