Borderlands Wiki

Scavenger: Submachine Gun is one of the six Scavenger missions throughout the Borderlands. This mission becomes available on New Haven Bounty Board after Power To The People is complete.

Goal of these missions is to collect 4 pieces of weapons, of which after the completion of the mission, a weapon of the appropriate type is obtained. This weapon is given as a reward for the mission.


"There are components to a submachine gun scattered around. If you find all of these components, I can reassemble the weapon for you. Bring me the Body, Magazine, Sight, and Barrel."



Find all of the submachine gun parts.
  • SMG Body
  • SMG Magazine
  • SMG Sight
  • SMG Barrel


The general location that the waypoint leads is at the south edge of The Rust Commons West. The quickest Fast Travel is the Outeryard. Near the waypoint marker are metal containers blocking vehicle traffic. From here the first piece can be seen.

  • Barrel: The barrel is on top of a metal container just inside the opening, and can be reached from atop the said container.
    Looking northwest another piece is visible at eye level on top of the curved overhang. Directly west is a fence with a closed gate. This will open after a few bandits near the gate are killed.
  • Magazine: is in the tire on the ground.
  • Body: The body is on a roof of the first floor of the building. This is accessed via the gate and heading right, up around the slope and up the ramp to get on top of the second floor of the building, then jumping down to the roof of the first floor.
  • Sight: The sight is sitting on a cot on the overhang. From the first floor roof of the building, jump to the top of the column east of the building, then jump across to a ledge protruding from the overhang, then quickly jump to the overhang.


"Great! Here is your submachine gun, good as new."

Nearby Missions[]


  • Some of the parts of the weapon may spawn in a different order, but all locations are the same.
  • The marker on the map is indicative of the general location for all pieces located near the marker. Their exact location is shown by the loot icon on the compass.
  • It is possible to save before turning in the mission once all the parts are collected. This can effectively allow players to reset the turn-in until a good SMG is received.
  • The items cards for parts has the following texts:
    • SMG Body: If I said this was an amazing body, would you hold it against me?
    • SMG Magazine: It's in excellent condition, believe it or not.
    • SMG Sight: Some assembly required.
    • SMG Barrel: This'll be a barrel of laughs when it's done.