Borderlands Wiki
Forums: Index > Archives PC > (PC) Fruits of my labor, for you.

so in the name of science i'm doing some massive armory farming, and was wondering if any PC users wanted to look through a mass of orange? i've been attempting to save the best items, but as i'm not you i don't know what weapons you need. everything given away will be 100% dropped from the armory, so if you're looking for modded weapons this would not be the place. however, if you're looking for some level 57-60 orange gear or 5-line class mods, please do let me know.

i'm texhn on gamespy, and i often play pacific-time evenings and late-night. if you're a siren or hunter and would like to assist in a farming project check my user page, there's a link to more information if that's your sort of thing.

at any rate, save me a little selling time and mooch my stuff?

Texhn 22:55, May 12, 2010 (UTC)
