Borderlands Wiki
Forums: Index > Item trading XBox 360 > Looking for a high level aries i have a few pearls to trade

i am looking for a high level aries preferably level 68 with good stats.

what i have to trade(duplicate):

lvl 68 glorious serpens- dmg:353 acc:93.9 rate:8.8 +66 mag size (90 shots) +75% recoil reduction

lvl 68 cobalt tsunami- dmg: 258 acc: 90.5 rate: 12.5 4.3 weapon zoom

alot of oranges that i dont feel like posting so if your looking for any orange just ask.

my gamertag is red dragon3999

post on here or just send me a message on xbox if you want to duplicate trade.Reddragon3999 23:24, June 9, 2011 (UTC)

Hi i have a level 69 Pearl Aries (Possibly a construct) Damage:1532 : Accuracy : 93.6 : 2 Fire Rate: 2 Clip : x3 Shock and 4.2 Weapon Zoom. My gamertag is Three Coconuts so send me a message and we'll trade Ur head 04:14, June 10, 2011 (UTC)

AX300 Pearl Aries happypal
Got this sweet piece of a gun. It's ridiculous, and can pretty much 1-hit any eridian. Too bad I'm on PC :D happypal (talk • contribs • inventory) 06:14, June 10, 2011 (UTC)

I have one almost that good. Gt: I WANCHA BABIES (360) —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)
