Borderlands Wiki
Forums: Index > Archives Xbox 360 > Looking for an Atlas cyclops

i was looking for a high lvl Atlas Cyclops that someone is willing to trade or dup. i have quite a few oranges and now i even have a few Pearlescents : ) So just leave me a message on here or send me a friend request with a little message letting me know what you have and what you have and what you would like in exchange.

MY GamerTag is OakenJakob 03:15, May 20, 2011 (UTC)

Hey i've got a a Cyclops that i'm willing to trade or dupe for you, it's around level 65+ if that's enough. I also have many oranges and a few pearls so message back or add my GT: Three Coconuts Hope to meet you soon :D Ur head 07:43, May 21, 2011 (UTC)
