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I am familiar with how a particular kind of gun affects one's sprinting speed, but does anything else? I watch youtube videos people upload and they are sprinting MUCH faster than I ever can. When it comes to trying to kill off crawmerax I cannot avoid anything that is aimed in my (very) general direction.

Any thought?

If I'm correct, the only things that affect movement speed (and, by extension, sprint speed) are Eridian weapons (lower your speed) and Lilith's Intuition skill (increases your speed). Aside from glitches, those are the only factors in sprint speed (I believe). Tediore's "lightweight guns" have no effect, and neither do Dahl's "heavy, accurate, and effective" guns. -- ClaptrapTorgueSig Claptrap icon Jakobscoveclaptrapz 02:45, April 8, 2010 (UTC)

I have experienced increased sprinting speed playing as Brick on X-Box 360. I am not sure what triggers it, but sometimes I can sprint about 30% faster than my friend who plays as Mordicai. This boost does not last for a given amount of time and, at least for me, ends as mysteriously as it starts. BONESAAAWWW 04:25, April 8, 2010 (UTC)

I find that my Sprint Speed is inversely proportional to how much danger I'm in. Lots of danger and I might as well be crawling. -- MeMadeIt 05:25, April 8, 2010 (UTC)

If you continuously run while using the triangle (PS3) buttong to change weapons, you will run at a quicker rate. Just run in one direction and keep pressing the button, it's noticably faster. I first noticed this while trying to escape enemies with a full load of eridian weapons, but it works with anything. Sisiutl

jump and run are affected by materials of weapons equipped. to what degree has not been explored. lilith has on-kill speed up and brick will lean-into a punch with the requisite skill selected (this may be rage only, i misremember).   Dr. F    Chemicalweapon   Wordpress shovel   Boston globe bullhorn  16:29, September 5, 2010 (UTC)
