Borderlands Wiki

Its a cool thing but kind of pointless. Anyone find any real tricks for it that a normal turret couldnt do? 19:53, September 30, 2012 (UTC)

I believe the use is to have it to shoot at people that are hiding behind barriers. Zaszamonde (talk) 20:00, September 30, 2012 (UTC)

Perhaps it's best used combined with the Longbow Turret ability. 06:55, October 6, 2012 (UTC)

If you have a height advantage, sticking the turret or turrets if you have the Gemini ability to either the ceiling or walls makes it impossible for targets to hide, it can also remove the blind spot that is usually assocatied with dropping turrets on the floor when higher up. It would be handy to keep out of reach of melee range, but most melee oriented enemies can either toss axes or have some other way of engaging targets, that and I noticed the turrets turn a lot slower when stuck to anything but the floor. Hammer Corps. (talk) 19:01, October 15, 2012 (UTC)
